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D'wei Eye Care

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使用方法:成人和兒童 2 歲 將 1 滴滴入受影響的眼睛,每天一次, - 治療隱形眼鏡相關問題 - 使用前摘下隱形眼鏡 - 使用後至少等待 10 分鐘,然後重新戴上隱形眼鏡

成分:水、78種礦物質、H -元素。


适合人群: 适用于所有人。

As with most things related to your eyes (like putting in contacts), thoroughly wash your hands first and always avoid touching your eye directly. Once your hands are clean, gently pull down your bottom lid and make a well, then release the drop so it lands in there - keeping the dropper far enough away so it doesn’t actually make contact with your eye. It will make a small pool of liquid. Then, plug the inside corner of your eye (near the nose), so the D'wei Eye Cares can drain down your septum. Put a little bit of pressure on the nasal side of your eyes, close your eyes and tilt your head toward the ground. This allows the D'wei Eye Care to linger on the cornea, which is the only area that actually absorbs the D'wei Eye Care. Putting your D'wei Eye Cares in like this way will maximize their benefit, and keep you from getting an eye infection due to poor hygiene.

Only one per eye! One drop is all that’s needed in order to be effective. If you’re prescribed four drops, check with your doctor, but this most likely means you need to put one drop in each eye four times per day. Sticking to only one drop in each eye will help your prescription last longer and save you some money, while still doing its job.



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